Musk versus Zuckerberg: What if kids think famous people actually fight?

2023-09-13T14:43:01+00:00September 12th, 2023|

In June, the BBC reported that Elon Musk had challenged Mark Zuckerberg to a cage fight. It brings up an important point - what lessons are we really teaching children when influential figures “joke” about violence or exchange public verbal [...]

How trolls are born: The psychology of internet trolling and why they are everywhere

2023-06-15T07:30:07+00:00June 15th, 2023|

Internet trolling can have devastating psychological impacts on its victims, so what leads someone to engage in cyber violence? We speak to Dr Gareth Tyson, a leading researcher on the dark side of the Internet to find out. What is [...]

Talking about neurodiversity and cyberbullying with Next Level Collaboration

2023-05-09T14:57:32+00:00May 9th, 2023|

Recently, we had the pleasure of speaking with CEO Jessica (Jess) Rowlings and Dr Matthew (Matt) Harrison about their organisation Next Level Collaboration, a neurodiverse-positive social capacity-building program for young people delivered through online gaming experiences.  How did you decide [...]

The struggles of parenting in an online world – the view from Jersey

2023-02-07T14:22:40+00:00January 28th, 2023|

Eloise Perkins lives with her family on Jersey, a tiny island in the stretch of water between the United Kingdom and France.  As my child turns ten and rapidly heads towards the end of their primary school journey, my husband [...]

How anthropology helped eliminate bullying in Denmark

2022-06-09T09:01:19+00:00June 9th, 2022|

The issue of bullying is complex in its psychological and sociological complexity. In this article Mark Friis Hau shows  how anthropology is supporting schools in Denmark in becoming bully-free.  This article was first published by our friends at Antropocon As [...]

“We had no idea.” An interview with Thomas Keith about his documentary, Bullied.

2022-06-07T09:44:23+00:00June 6th, 2022|

When parents and teachers first learn that a child is being bullied, it can sometimes be too late. Nicholas Carlisle talks with filmmaker, father and former victim of bullying, Dr Thomas Keith, about his award winning film Bullied. Shining [...]

What have two years of remote learning done to our students?

2022-06-07T10:58:43+00:00May 31st, 2022|

The Brookings Institute reported devastating impacts during the pandemic on students and their ability to learn. In this interview Nicholas Carlisle speaks to Kate Sullivan, a seasoned 7th grade English Language Arts teacher in Durham, North Carolina and asks what [...]

Internet addiction and gaming disorders. Are these really a thing?

2021-11-04T09:56:54+00:00November 2nd, 2021|

Since the invention of online gaming, there have been concerns that video games were destroying the mental health of a generation. The WHO’s decision in 2018 to include Gaming Disorder in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) has reignited fears [...]

Guiding children’s first steps online – recent findings from the Council of Europe

2021-04-23T09:25:00+00:00March 24th, 2021|

From the very first steps children take online, they enter a vast, unregulated space frequented by people of all ilks and ages, where opportunities abound but dangers also lurk. Nowadays, especially since the Covid health crisis distanced families and pushed [...]

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