Groundbreaking Global Effort to Better Prepare Young Children for Connecting Online Launches at UNICEF in New York

2019-03-14T13:11:42+00:00March 11th, 2019|

Facebook, Microsoft, AT&T, and Hasbro join global coalition to stop online bullying and hate before it starts   NEW YORK — Power of Zero, a global campaign to reshape early learning for a connected world, launched the first in its [...]

‘Power of Zero’ campaign promotes healthy online behaviors from early ages

2018-10-11T06:52:52+00:00October 10th, 2018|

Welcome to our blog! Over the next few months, we will feature blogs from partners, sharing the work they are doing to support the Power of Zero globally. Our first feature is by Jacqueline Beauchere, Chief Online Safety [...]

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