The No Bully System® solves 90% of bullying
Student bullying and cyberbullying are some of the most painful and intractable challenges facing educators today. They cause students enormous physical and emotional suffering and without intervention the mental health effects can last a lifetime. Students who are different, e.g. because of their ethnicity, ability, socio-economic status or simply because they don’t follow stereotypical gender norms, are particularly vulnerable. And yet most teachers and school leaders have never been trained in an effective system for how to respond.
600 schools
entered one-year
30,000 teachers
have been trained how
to address bullying
400,000 students
are now able to enjoy
a bully-free school
Bring this evidence based anti-bullying program to your school
The No Bully System® guides K–12 school leaders and teachers through a series of interventions for ending bullying and building an inclusive school culture and climate. We support schools in implementing the system throughout their campus with an integrated series of leadership coaching and teacher trainings. Schools trained in the No Bully System® learn how to activate basic respect and compassion in their students and are able to resolve 90% of incidents of bullying, making this one of the most impactful anti-bullying programs in existence.
If you want a partner to help you end the bullying on your campus, contact us and let’s begin a conversation! Our mission is to eradicate bullying and cyberbullying in schools everywhere.